Digital marketing & strategy for media



A Storyteller’s Guide to Digital Marketing

Announcing the new STORY + AUDIENCE podcast

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I am so excited to finally announce the release of a new podcast I have been working on for a few months with my colleague & brilliant writer friend, Jill Golick. The launch got delayed slightly because of, you know, a world pandemic, but here it FINALLY is!

The first season is eight episodes long with a new episode being released every week starting this week. So, without futher ado, I give you STORY + AUDIENCE with Jill Golick and Annelise Larson.

“Screenwriter Jill Golick and digital marketing strategist Annelise Larson invite you to join their conversation about creating stories that connect deeply with audiences and how to use that connection to build a long-term career as a storyteller (especially of film, TV, web series and other screen based stories). Each episode will include practical, applied homework for writers and other creators to start to develop their own STORY + AUDIENCE strategy.”

In this first episode, Jill & I discuss the inspiration for this podcast series, which episodes we are looking forward to and I give everyone their first homework assignment.

You may have to refresh this page to see the embedded player above, or you can also find the podcast here:

Please share, like, follow & subscribe on your podcast platfrom of choice (it may take a few days or even weeks for it to populate) and send your thoughts & questions about STORY+AUDIENCE to both of us at